miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Crash course.

Dear teachers, i have found the most amazing channel in youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/crashcourse Author, John Green and his brother upload videos in which they teach different topics related to social sciences, Ecology, History, chemistry and literature. They are fun, entertaining and quite rich in information, eventhough they are crash courses. They also have a web page: https://subbable.com/crashcourse
 I am posting one on the dark ages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV7CanyzhZg  but check the channel because there are lots of them on the most diverse subjects: Greece, Roman empire, Renaissance, China, WWII, French revolution, Romeo and Juliet, Emily Dickinson, The catcher in the rye, The Odyssey, etc. I am sure kids will love it.

7 comentarios:

  1. Me encantó Will Grayson Will Grayson. Lo leíste?

  2. Sol,vi el que posteaste de Middle ages...esta espectacular, justo lo que vemos este año, second part of the year...me encanto! Va un poco fast ...pero sera cuestion de entrenarles el ear, jaja! Super copado! Thanks again! :)

    1. Me alegro que te haya gustado. A mi me parecen geniales. Si bien es cierto que habla bastante rápido, creo que tienen mucho visual aid así que tal vez no sea TAN imposible de entender. And you are welcome :)
